
Choosing the perfect places for using cannabis

cannabis plants
Image Courtesy of Rick Proctor

There are a variety of factors which will impact your experience with cannabis, but one that is highly underrated is the environment in which you consume it.

At Neverland OG Dispensary, we love having people try our products and experience our services in-store. 

Designed for comfort, we offer plentiful seating and equipment in our store for you to use while consuming cannabis, and if you are new to the world of cannabis, we are happy to provide guidance.

However, if you would prefer to consume cannabis in the comfort of your home, a social setting or outdoors, there are many things which you must consider.

Here is Neverland OG Dispensary’s guide for preparing and curating the perfect environment to have cannabis

Setting and environment to use cannabis

When selecting where you will use cannabis, the first and most obvious consideration should be location.

Keep in mind that Thailand has rules and regulations around where you may consume cannabis, and if you are unsure of what these are, there are plenty of guides available online.

people cheering their cups
Image Courtesy of Andra C. Taylor

Assuming you are in a place where you are allowed to consume cannabis, it will most likely fall into one of three categories:

  1. An indoor or private environment (e.g. a home or registered dispensary with very few people).
  2. A social event (e.g. a bar or restaurant with lots of people).
  3. In nature (where you are online or with others).

All three of these locations offer their own unique benefits and will impact your experience when using cannabis.

To decide on a perfect location, you will need to answer two main questions: What activities do you want to do, and do you like to socialise while you’re high?

Find something to do

Choosing the right activity to do while you are high is crucial for occupying your mind and getting the most out of cannabis.

Some people prefer quiet activities such as reading and writing, while others like things that require less concentration, like watching a movie or watching YouTube.

If your activity will require extensive set-up (e.g., creating art or playing musical instruments), we recommend setting up your equipment beforehand to make your life easier while high!

two people playing game with controllers
Image Courtesy of JESHOOTS.com

When selecting an activity, remember that the strain you are ingesting may impact how you feel or what you are capable of doing.

In our previous guide, “Choosing the right cannabis for you,” we discussed how different strains will impact your energy levels, creativity, and ability to perform more complex activities.

While research can help indicate what the effects of a cannabis strain will be, it can vary from person to person, so you may need to experiment and match the right activity with the right strain.

The people

If you are someone who prefers to be on your own, then cannabis can be a fantastic enabler of deep relaxation.

However, if you are an inexperienced user, we would always recommend for safety, you have someone to supervise you, at least until you better understand how you react to cannabis.

When choosing a buddy, make sure they are someone you completely trust. In a group setting, you should know that someone will have your back if you begin to feel unwell, and strangers are not guaranteed to support you if that situation arises.

four people hanging out on top of a mountain
Image Courtesy of Matheus Ferrero

Knowing the person/people you are with will care for you will also stop you from becoming paranoid or stressed, and it is even better if your buddy is someone experienced with cannabis usage. 

You can even choose someone who enjoys the same activities or shares common interests with you, they can be lots of fun to talk to and you will think differently while under the influence of cannabis!

Neverland OG Dispensary exists to deliver perfect cannabis experiences. As your environment can dictate your enjoyment of our products and services, make sure to choose your next location wisely!

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