Does cannabis actually help you sleep better?

Image: GoodRx Health

People have been using cannabis as a sleep aid for some time now, and many users see the benefit of using cannabis to help them relax and unwind after a long day before hitting the hay. The quality of your sleep can depend greatly on many different factors when it comes to using cannabis. Should you choose Indica or Sativa? Should you stick with THC or try out CBD products? Your sleep depends on the strain, cannabinoids, and individual reactions involved.

What are the benefits of using cannabis for sleep?

Sleep aid: Cannabis strains that are especially lower in THC dosages can help reduce sleep onset latency, helping you fall asleep more quickly. This is particularly useful for those suffering from insomnia or anxiety.

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Scientifically referred to as depressants or sedatives, this sensation occurs when THC interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in your brain which can reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation, ultimately subsiding your worries and helping you drift off to sleep with ease.

However, experts suggest consuming cannabis over an hour before your bedtime to allow its effects to set in without the psychoactive sensations taking over. A good rule of thumb is to aim for strains with less than 20% THC. 

Pain relief and improved sleep: Chronic pain can be a limiting factor for many people yearning for a good night’s sleep. Whether if its nerve pain, joint pain, headaches, or muscle spasms, cannabis strains that are high in THC have been known to provide a certain level of pain relief, which can significantly improve the sleep quality of users suffering from illnesses.

People using cannabis to treat chronic pains to achieve better sleep often find themselves to fall asleep much more easily, and they also stay asleep for much longer, without having to suffer through the pains of their underlying health conditions.

Reducing stress and anxiety: Many cannabis users find the plant to help manage levels of anxiety and stress on a day-to-day basis. These two factors happen to be common culprits behind sleep disorders. Strains with a moderate mixture of CBD and THC can help improve your sleep.

The euphoria-inducing effects of THC can be counteracted with the more calming effects of CBD, ultimately providing a more balanced and relaxed state helping you fall asleep.

Effects on different sleep stages

Before we delve deeper into the effects of cannabis on good-quality sleep, it is essential to understand the basics of sleep architecture. Sleep is divided into two key stages: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM stages. 

REM sleep is often associated with dreaming. Although this stage only makes up for 20 to 25% of the average adult’s daily sleep duration, it remains vital for brain development, memory consolidation and emotional processing. 

Image: Sean Justice/Gettyimages

Non-REM sleep is where you start to delve into deep sleep stages. This stage makes up for the majority of the time that you spend asleep. It is essential for the physical restoration and recovery of your body.

Former UFC Champion Khabib Nurmagomedov once said that the most crucial part of training recovery is not ice plunges, cryotherapy or fancy massages. Instead, he loves his naps and quality sleep because he sees it as the most effective form of recovery.

Impact of cannabis on REM sleep: Cannabis strains that are particularly high in THC can reduce the amount of time users spend in REM sleep. However, those suffering from PTSD or reoccurring nightmares may find the reduction in dreams due to the smaller amount of time spent in REM sleep to be a good thing.

But it is important to note that REM sleep is crucial for cognitive functions and its suppression may not be ideal for everyone. 

Enhancement of non-REM sleep: On the other hand, cannabis can enhance the crucial restorative deep sleep stages. Being an important time for physical recovery, cannabis can help users feel more rested and refreshed when waking up in the morning. 

However, the effects on sleep architecture can vary depending on the strain of cannabis, and the balance of cannabinoids in the products that you choose.

Choosing the right strain for sleep

When it comes to sleep, not all strains are created equally. You may have heard people coining the terms indica, sativa, and hybrid. Each has different effects on the mind and body.

Indica strains: For cannabis users looking to improve their sleep, Indica strains are almost, if not always the main choice. Preferred for their relaxing effects, these strains contain levels of sedative properties which contribute greatly to their ability to relax the body and mind. They are recommended for nighttime use as they can help reduce anxiety and pain while promoting a deep and restful sleep.

Image: Realm of Caring

Sativa strains: In contrast to India strains, sativa is generally seen as more energizing and uplifting. Ultimately they are typically recommended for daytime usage as they are more mind-stimulating; enhancing creativity and increasing sociability, which can make it harder for you to fall asleep. 

Hybrid strains: Hybrid strains are a mix of sativa and indica. They are designed to offer a balance of effects. These strains are either Indica or Sativa dominated, meaning that you still get the best of both worlds, but with a slight emphasis to match what you are looking for.

Let’s say you want to wind down and go to sleep in a few hours, a hybrid strain that leans more towards indica properties may be the better choice as they are not as mind-stimulating and thought-provoking but can still help you get a restful sleep.

A move to CBD for better sleep?

Unlike THC, CBD compounds do not produce a sensation of being high. They can also be used to manage anxiety and pain, which are common issues behind sleep interference.

CBD can be a great option if you are looking to manage your sleep disturbances without the psychoactive effects of THC. For those with sleep disorders, studies have shown that higher doses of CBD can help achieve a longer sleep duration while helping manage symptoms of sleep behavior disorder.

Image: CBD Infos/Unsplash

Potential risks of using cannabis for sleep

While there are several benefits to using cannabis for sleep, you should also consider the potential risks that may get in your way.

Tolerance and dependence: Regular usage of cannabis, especially with strains higher in THC can lead to a higher level of tolerance. Meaning that you would need to consume more and more to achieve the same effects. This can lead to an increased dependence over time

Sleep architecture disruptions: REM sleep remains crucial to your cognitive functions and emotional regulation. Regular usage of cannabis can reduce this stage of sleep, namely THC, which suppresses the REM stage, which could lead to a more fragmented sleep cycle.

Does cannabis help you sleep better?

Cannabis can offer short-term benefits for sleep, especially through its qualities which help relieve pain and reduce anxiety. However, the effects that it may have on your sleep greatly depend on many different factors. Are you using indica or sativa strains? Or are you a hybrid strain person? What cannabinoids are present? Is it THC or CBD?

Choosing CBD oils or Indica strains is usually the safest bet. They provide you with a relaxed sensation, helping you combat anxiety or chronic pains, which in most cases are the main limiting factor preventing people from a good night’s sleep. Most importantly, they lack the psychoactive or energizing effects of cannabis which may infringe on your sleep.

Individual responses may vary but ultimately cannabis can help you achieve greater quality sleep, namely in the deep sleep stages. But like anything in life, there are benefits and drawbacks. It is crucial to do your research and consider all options.

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